My Dinner with the REBBE
What I saw the other night is a genuine love of one’s fellow Jew. Period.
by Gary Rosenblatt, from The Jewish Week
I had dinner Sunday evening with a group of Chabad rabbis in Brooklyn.
Several thousand of them, actually. Wearing their traditional black suits,
black hats and long beards they filled the cavernous Brooklyn Marine Terminal
with their ebullient enthusiasm. It was said to be the largest dinner of the year
in New York, and I don’t doubt it.
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Thank You Chabad
by Yossi Klein Halevi, from The Times of Israel
Sunday night I danced in a hangar on the Brooklyn docks with five thousand of the bravest, most dedicated Jews on the planet. It was the annual gathering of Chabad emissaries, the guys in black hats and black suits who are always on call for any Jew,
any time, any place – from Ukraine to North Dakota to South Korea.
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The Part of Me that is forever CHABAD
By Paul Shaviv, from a post on Emes Ve-Emunah
On Sunday I was a guest at the closing dinner of the annual Chabad ‘Kinus Shluchim
5775 - 2014’. This took place in a huge hangar-like space in the Brooklyn dockyards
that had been transformed in to a hi-tech event hall for the occasion. (There is a
good eight-minute video by Hillel Engel on YouTube.) More than five thousand
people sat down for dinner.
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The Chabad Secret
by David Suissa, from Suissa’s Blog on the Jewish Journal
When people try to figure out the secret to Chabad’s phenomenal success, they
usually mention the movement’s unconditional love toward their fellow Jews. I
can see why. Go to any of the thousands of Chabad centers around the world and
you’ll be welcomed with open arms. A Chabad emissary sees holiness in every Jew—
it’s as simple and powerful as that.
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